(650) 367-4967

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Contact Information

Jean E. Barthman, DDS
801 Brewster Ave Ste 255
Redwood City, CA 94063
Ph: (650) 367-4967

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Meet Dr. Barthman

Dr. BarthmanBeauty, Health and Comfort. These words best describe the office of Dr. Barthman. Because of her years of experience and education, she possesses the latest knowledge and techniques in restorative and cosmetic dentistry to help you achieve optimal results.

Dr. Barthman is a Member of

  • American Dental Association
  • Las Vegas Institute for
  • Advanced Dental Studies

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Above all else, Dr. Barthman wants for you to have a beautiful, new smile. Prevention is the key to staying healthy and so we recommend the following tips to get you on your way:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Chew sugarless gum instead of sugary varieties.
  • Floss daily and if possible, after every meal.
  • Prevent plaque and cavities by reducing your daily intake of sweet snacks.
  • Schedule a cleaning and oral examination with Dr. Barthman once a year.


Protecting the Teeth from the Dangers of Teeth Grinding

December 03, 2014 @ 11:38 AM -- by Dr. Jean Barthman
Tagged with: Teeth Grinding

Female with a healthy and attractive smileThe teeth play a vital role in oral functions such as chewing, eating, and speaking. While the teeth are durable, there are many factors that can compromise the strength and structure of the teeth by damaging the tooth’s protective outer layer (the enamel). If the enamel is damaged, it can lead to a number of oral health problems and compromise of oral function. Excessive teeth grinding is one of the most common causes of tooth enamel damage, making the patient more vulnerable to a range of dental problems, and leading to the need for restorative dentistry treatments to restore tooth structure and improve oral health. Cosmetic dentist Jean Barthman teaches Redwood City patients about potential teeth grinding dangers and treats the condition to protect the structure of the teeth.

Side Effects of Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding is a harmful habit in which the teeth continually rub against one another. This places the teeth under an excessive amount of pressure and causes the outer layer of tooth enamel to become damaged and prematurely worn. One of the unfortunate facts about teeth grinding is that it often occurs at night, so patients may not be aware that they are grinding their teeth until side effects begin to develop. The primary side effect, and danger, of teeth grinding is tooth erosion, particularly on the back teeth. The outer layer of the tooth can become damaged and healthy tooth enamel may be lost, allowing food particles and bacteria to work their way to the inner layers of the teeth. This can lead to a number of additional side effects, which may include:

  • Tooth pain
  • Increased tooth sensitivity
  • Tooth decay
  • Root canal infection

As the teeth become damaged, oral function may also be compromised, making chewing and eating more difficult and painful for patients.

Treating Teeth Grinding

Dr. Barthman takes a two-part approach to treating teeth grinding. First, she will address any damage that the teeth have suffered as a result of teeth grinding. When the effects of teeth grinding are caught early on, restoration may be achieved with a simple dental filling or inlay or onlay. More severe damage may require more advanced restorative treatment, such as a dental crown. When the teeth have been restored, Dr. Barthman will focus on helping patients protect the health and strength of the teeth by preventing teeth grinding. Because teeth grinding is often a release of stress, relaxation techniques may help to alleviate teeth grinding. However, since the majority of teeth grinding takes place at night, it is important to protect the teeth with the use of custom-fit dental mouth guard. This appliance fits comfortably over the teeth and prevents them from grinding against one another.

Schedule an Appointment

Dr. Jean Barthman provides her patients with dental care of the highest quality. She offers a full range of cosmetic and restorative dental treatments to ensure that each of her patients benefits from a smile that is strong, healthy, and beautiful. If you are looking to improve the health or aesthetics of your smile, schedule an appointment with Dr. Barthman at your earliest convenience. We look forward to hearing from you!