(650) 367-4967

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Jean E. Barthman, DDS
801 Brewster Ave Ste 255
Redwood City, CA 94063
Ph: (650) 367-4967

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Meet Dr. Barthman

Dr. BarthmanBeauty, Health and Comfort. These words best describe the office of Dr. Barthman. Because of her years of experience and education, she possesses the latest knowledge and techniques in restorative and cosmetic dentistry to help you achieve optimal results.

Dr. Barthman is a Member of

  • American Dental Association
  • Las Vegas Institute for
  • Advanced Dental Studies

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Above all else, Dr. Barthman wants for you to have a beautiful, new smile. Prevention is the key to staying healthy and so we recommend the following tips to get you on your way:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Chew sugarless gum instead of sugary varieties.
  • Floss daily and if possible, after every meal.
  • Prevent plaque and cavities by reducing your daily intake of sweet snacks.
  • Schedule a cleaning and oral examination with Dr. Barthman once a year.


Dental Care and Seniors: Common Conditions and How to Treat Them

March 01, 2015 @ 09:00 AM -- by Dr. Jean Barthman
Tagged with: General Dentistry

Woman with beautiful smile relaxing outdoorsIdeally, your teeth and gums would remain healthy, clean, and beautiful throughout your life. However, the mouth can become more susceptible to damage, disease, and disorder as you age. Dr. Jean E. Barthman and our team provide a comprehensive suite of restorative dentistry treatments to help patients of all ages experience attractive, healthy smiles. These procedures can restore the appearance and function of your mouth so you can smile comfortably and confidently. We are committed to helping our patients maintain excellent oral health throughout every stage of life. Read on to learn more about dental care and seniors at our Redwood City practice so you can preserve your smile for many decades. Below, we highlight the major oral health conditions facing elderly patients and explain how we can help you resolve them. 


Your teeth may yellow or darken as you get older because:

  • They have been exposed to years of dark-colored, staining foods and beverages
  • The outermost enamel of your teeth wears thinner, allowing the yellow of the deeper dentin material to affect their appearance
  • The dentin material begins to deteriorate, becoming discolored in the process

You can slow this process by coming in for regular dental appointments, eating a balanced diet with plenty of calcium to fortify your enamel, and avoiding the consumption of staining substances. If you suffer from age-related discoloration, Dr. Barthman can perform teeth whitening treatment to brighten your smile.

Missing Teeth

Severe decay, infection, injury, or other conditions can lead to tooth loss. All of these issues are more prevalent in older patients, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that one-quarter of patients over 60 are missing all of their natural teeth. Living without a full set of teeth can be very challenging. In addition to making you feel self-conscious, missing teeth can make it difficult for you to eat and drink properly, as well as increase your risk for other oral health issues, such as jawbone loss. Dr. Barthman and our team provide various dentures and dental implants to fill the gaps in your smile, helping you reclaim the look and function of your mouth.

Gum Disease

Periodontal disease is an infection in the gum tissue that results from the same bacteria that cause caries. At the earliest stage of this disease, gingivitis, your gums may be inflamed and red. If it is allowed to progress to periodontitis, the infection may cause gum tissue to pull away from the teeth and could even destabilize the tooth. According to the CDC, approximately 23 percent of Americans aged 65 to 74 suffer from periodontitis. You can reduce your risks for gum disease by flossing at least once per day and coming in for regular periodontal care. If we diagnose you with periodontitis, Dr. Barthman may recommend treating your infection with oral surgery or tooth extraction. 

Dry Mouth

Xerostomia, or dry mouth, results from insufficient saliva flow throughout the mouth. This can cause a dry, sticky, burning sensation and, since saliva acts as a natural antibacterial mouthwash, it can increase your risk for cavities and gum disease. Many seniors suffer from dry mouth because it is a side effect of many medications, including drugs used to treat high blood pressure, stomach conditions, anxiety, allergies, and more. To help treat dry mouth, Dr. Barthman may recommend speaking to your physician about switching medications, drinking more water, avoiding dehydrating substances, and using special gums or lozenges to encourage saliva production. 

Tooth Root Issues (Sensitivity and Decay)

As you age, your gums may begin to recede from your teeth, exposing more of their roots, which do not have any enamel over them. This can cause sensitivity to heat, cold, and pressure, since the nerves are left unprotected. For more severe recession, we may recommend a gum graft. You can reduce your risks for recession by brushing your teeth gently twice per day, flossing, attending regular dental appointments, getting proper nutrition, and avoiding smoking.

TMJ Disorder

Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) spans from your temples to your lower jaw. If this tissue becomes torn, stretched, misaligned, or otherwise damaged, you may develop TMJ disorder. TMJ disorder can cause difficulty opening your mouth, headaches, popping or clicking sounds, and other uncomfortable symptoms. Dr. Barthman can diagnose TMJ disorder and provide a variety of treatment options, including TENSing (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) and orthotic splints, which are oral appliances you wear to keep your mouth in proper position.

Enjoy a Healthy, Beautiful Smile As You Age

Contact our dental practice today to learn more about dental care for seniors or schedule a consultation with Dr. Barthman.