(650) 367-4967

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Contact Information

Jean E. Barthman, DDS
801 Brewster Ave Ste 255
Redwood City, CA 94063
Ph: (650) 367-4967

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Meet Dr. Barthman

Dr. BarthmanBeauty, Health and Comfort. These words best describe the office of Dr. Barthman. Because of her years of experience and education, she possesses the latest knowledge and techniques in restorative and cosmetic dentistry to help you achieve optimal results.

Dr. Barthman is a Member of

  • American Dental Association
  • Las Vegas Institute for
  • Advanced Dental Studies

Featured Patients

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Did You Know?

Above all else, Dr. Barthman wants for you to have a beautiful, new smile. Prevention is the key to staying healthy and so we recommend the following tips to get you on your way:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Chew sugarless gum instead of sugary varieties.
  • Floss daily and if possible, after every meal.
  • Prevent plaque and cavities by reducing your daily intake of sweet snacks.
  • Schedule a cleaning and oral examination with Dr. Barthman once a year.


Do I Need New Dentures: Signs You Need Relining, Repair, Replacement

July 22, 2024 @ 11:03 AM -- by Dr. Jean Barthman
Tagged with: Dentures

Wonder if your dentures need to be adjusted, fixed, or completely replaced? Our dentist looks at some warning signs that indicate you need a professional to look at your denture.

Five Reasons Dentures Need Professional Repair

July 01, 2021 @ 02:15 PM -- by Dr. Jean Barthman
Tagged with: Dentures

Dentures can develop structural and cosmetic imperfections that need professional attention. What should you do if your dentures crack or chip?

History of Dental Bridges and Dentures

February 01, 2019 @ 05:30 PM -- by Dr. Jean Barthman

Dental bridges and dentures have a long history of treating tooth loss. Let’s trace the evolution of these restorative dentistry procedures to replace missing teeth.

Maintain Optimal Oral Health with Denture Replacement

May 18, 2018 @ 11:44 AM -- by Dr. Jean Barthman
Tagged with: Dentures

Restore the form and function of your smile by allowing Dr. Jean E. Barthman to replace your dentures.

Rebuild Your Smile: Treatment Options for Missing Teeth

May 02, 2016 @ 03:52 PM -- by Dr. Jean Barthman

When you are missing teeth, there are many restorative dentistry options to consider. Let's cover them right now.

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