(650) 367-4967

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Jean E. Barthman, DDS
801 Brewster Ave Ste 255
Redwood City, CA 94063
Ph: (650) 367-4967

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Meet Dr. Barthman

Dr. BarthmanBeauty, Health and Comfort. These words best describe the office of Dr. Barthman. Because of her years of experience and education, she possesses the latest knowledge and techniques in restorative and cosmetic dentistry to help you achieve optimal results.

Dr. Barthman is a Member of

  • American Dental Association
  • Las Vegas Institute for
  • Advanced Dental Studies

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Above all else, Dr. Barthman wants for you to have a beautiful, new smile. Prevention is the key to staying healthy and so we recommend the following tips to get you on your way:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Chew sugarless gum instead of sugary varieties.
  • Floss daily and if possible, after every meal.
  • Prevent plaque and cavities by reducing your daily intake of sweet snacks.
  • Schedule a cleaning and oral examination with Dr. Barthman once a year.


TMJ Disorder Pain and Headaches

January 02, 2023 @ 05:13 PM -- by Dr. Jean Barthman
Tagged with: Tmj

man with TMJ disorder pain and headacheTemporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMD, can cause dental issues as well as pain. TMD has also been linked to headaches and other areas of pain. Dr. Jean E. Barthman in Redwood City, CA, provides advanced neuromuscular techniques and treatments to ease TMJ disorder pain and headaches.

What Is TMJ and TMD? 

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. When there is an issue with your TMJ, it is known as a temporomandibular joint disorder or TMD. This joint is important as it allows your jaw to move up and down to speak and eat. 

What Are the Signs of TMD?

There are many signs and symptoms of TMD and they can vary from person to person. Some signs may be more indicative of TMD, like jaw pain, while others, like headaches, can sometimes be overlooked. Symptoms of TMD include:

  • Headaches
  • Earaches
  • Difficulty opening and closing your mouth
  • Pain when chewing or speaking
  • Clicking or popping sound in the jaw joint
  • Facial pain near the ears and jaw
  • Sore and painful jaw muscles and jaw joints
  • Clenching and grinding
  • Toothaches
  • Neck pain
  • Muscle tension
  • Worn or damaged teeth

When left untreated, TMD can cause further issues not just with your oral health, but your overall health as well. TMJ disorder pain and headaches can cause interruptions with your sleep as well as further damage to your teeth. This can lead to the need for more extensive treatments later. 

What Causes TMJ Disorder?

There are many different causes for TMJ disorder, including:

  • Imbalance between the jaws/misaligned bite
  • Clenching and grinding 
  • Stress-induced clenching and grinding
  • Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint
  • Trauma to the jaw and/or temporomandibular joint
  • Health issues such as fibromyalgia and IBS

How Is TMJ Disorder Treated?

Dr. Barthman uses neuromuscular techniques to address misalignment of the jaw and craniofacial joints and muscles to bring the jaw into alignment. This helps the facial, neck, and back muscles relax to ease your pain. Treatment for TMD in our Redwood City office may include:

  • TENSing - TENSing therapy can help the muscles relax which reduces tension and pain.
  • Orthotic Splints - Orthotic splints are customized mouthpieces worn at night that gently shift the jaw into a proper alignment. 
  • Restorations - If your TMD is caused by missing or damaged teeth, restorations such as dental crowns, dental bridges, dentures, and dental implants can restore your bite, allowing you to eat and speak properly and reduce stress on the TMJs.
  • Orthodontics - If your TMD is due to a misaligned bite, orthodontic treatment can align your teeth and jaw to relieve the pain and stress on the TMJs. 
  • Medications - Medications such as anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxers can be used to reduce inflammation and tension in the muscles. 
  • Heat/Ice - Like medication, heat and ice can be used to reduce inflammation and pain in the muscles and joints.
  • Surgery - Surgery is always a last resort to relieve your TMJ disorder pain and headaches. Your dentist will try non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments before resorting to surgery. 

Get the Relief You Need From TMJ Disorder Pain and Headaches

Don’t wait to seek help for TMD. While it may seem minor, it can have a lasting effect on your oral and overall health. Contact us online or schedule an appointment at our dental practice in Redwood City, CA, today to get the relief you need. Call (650) 367-4967 today.