(650) 367-4967

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Jean E. Barthman, DDS
801 Brewster Ave Ste 255
Redwood City, CA 94063
Ph: (650) 367-4967

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Meet Dr. Barthman

Dr. BarthmanBeauty, Health and Comfort. These words best describe the office of Dr. Barthman. Because of her years of experience and education, she possesses the latest knowledge and techniques in restorative and cosmetic dentistry to help you achieve optimal results.

Dr. Barthman is a Member of

  • American Dental Association
  • Las Vegas Institute for
  • Advanced Dental Studies

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Above all else, Dr. Barthman wants for you to have a beautiful, new smile. Prevention is the key to staying healthy and so we recommend the following tips to get you on your way:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Chew sugarless gum instead of sugary varieties.
  • Floss daily and if possible, after every meal.
  • Prevent plaque and cavities by reducing your daily intake of sweet snacks.
  • Schedule a cleaning and oral examination with Dr. Barthman once a year.


Invisalign® Appointment Frequency

February 01, 2023 @ 09:00 AM -- by Dr. Jean Barthman
Tagged with: Invisalign

Invisalign alignersInvisalign® is a popular alternative to metal braces. Invisalign aligners straighten the teeth and improve the bite like braces, but they do so without unattractive and uncomfortable brackets and wires. Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, and removable, making them more discreet, comfortable, and convenient than braces.

Individuals considering Invisalign treatment at Dr. Jean Barthman’s Redwood City, CA, dental practice often have questions about the process, particularly Invisalign appointment frequency. Here, we provide an overview of the Invisalign timeline, including how often patients attend appointments and what can be expected at Invisalign checkups.

Invisalign Treatment Timeline

Invisalign treatment can be as effective as braces and usually is completed within the same timeframe. The exact length of treatment depends on each patient’s orthodontic needs but most last between nine and 15 months. Each Invisalign treatment follows the same basic timeline: Invisalign consultation, aligner pickup, and progressing through aligner trays.

  • Invisalign consultation: Dr. Barthman meets with patients to discuss their orthodontic needs and determine if they are ideal Invisalign candidates. If so, impressions and images are taken to customize a treatment plan. Molds and images are sent to an Invisalign laboratory where aligners are crafted.
  • Aligner pickup: When the aligners are complete, patients return to pick up their first several sets of aligners. Dr. Barthman provides explicit instructions regarding when and how aligners must be worn.
  • Progressing through aligners: Once patients have their aligners, treatment begins. Patients progress through a new set of aligners approximately every two weeks. Each set of aligners fits slightly different to encourage necessary movement.

How Often Are Appointments Scheduled?

We routinely schedule maintenance appointments as our Redwood City patients progress through their Invisalign aligners. Typically, patients return to our offices once every six weeks for an Invisalign checkup.

What Happens at Invisalign Appointments?

Invisalign appointments allow Dr. Barthman to evaluate the progress of Invisalign treatment. Dr. Barthman examines the teeth to determine if treatment is progressing as expected. She discusses treatment with patients to ensure they are wearing aligners as directed (at least 20 to 22 hours a day). At these appointments, our Redwood City patients pick up their next several sets of aligner trays.

If an Invisalign checkup reveals treatment is not progressing as anticipated, Dr. Barthman may make adjustments to the treatment plan. Adjustments could involve changes to Invisalign attachments or the number of aligner trays used throughout treatment.

How Long Do Invisalign Appointments Take?

The frequency of Invisalign appointments may seem overwhelming, but it is comparable to the frequency of braces appointments. Additionally, Invisalign checkups do not take long. Most appointments are completed in around 30 minutes or less, making them easy to fit into a lunch break. The final Invisalign appointment takes longer (usually 45 to 60 minutes) because attachments may be removed and dental molds may be taken to fabricate a retainer.

Schedule an Appointment

If you have been considering Invisalign and would like to know if this teeth straightening method is right for you, Dr. Jean Barthman can provide a personalized consultation. To get the process started, schedule an appointment online or call (650) 367-4967 at your earliest convenience.